The state board of ed is meeting today and tomorrow in Chicago, and if you want to know what they're going to talk about click below for all the info. As usual, the items with Becky McCabe's name next to them are most interesting -- testing for ELLs, a growth model instead of the current static system. Check it out. I think anyone can listen in. Don't know about attending.
Illinois State Board of Education announces meetings
for January 17 and 18, 2007
Springfield, Ill. –The Illinois State Board of Education has announced the following upcoming meetings for January 17 and 18, 2007, in Chicago.
NOTE: Staff presentations and detailed Board discussion typically take place during Committee meetings one month prior to the State Board taking action in the plenary session. The Governmental Relations Committee of the Whole meeting and Ad Hoc Rules Committee of the Whole meeting will begin at the conclusion of the previous committee meeting. Times listed below are approximate.
All State Board of Education meetings listed on this agenda will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Persons planning to attend who need special accommodations should contact the Board office no later than the date prior to the meeting. Contact the Superintendent's office at the State Board of Education, Phone: 217-782-2221; TTY/TDD: 217-782-1900; Fax: 217-785-3972.
WHO: Illinois State Board of Education
WHAT: Committee Meetings and Plenary Session
WHEN: January 17 and 18, 2007 (detailed schedule below)
WHERE: Illinois State Board of Education, Chicago Office, James R. Thompson Center, 100 W. Randolph, Chicago, IL
10:30 a.m. Finance and Audit Committee of the Whole
9-040 James R. Thompson Center
Public Conference Call Access Number: 1-866-297-6391 (listen only); Confirmation # 1 6 7 2 6 4 4 8
1. Roll Call
2. Board Member Participation by Other Means
3. Public Participation
4. Discussion Items
a. Common Monitoring Database--Project Update (Terry Chamberlain)
5. Decision Items
a. Minutes of the December Finance and Audit Committee Meeting
*b FY 2008 Budget (Linda Mitchell and Ronny Wickenhauser)
i. Summary of Budget Requests
ii. FY2008 Estimates for Foundation Level and MCATs
iii. Board Budget Recommendations
6. Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
7. Adjourn
NOTE: At the conclusion of any discussion item in which the committee is ready to make a decision, a discussion item may be immediately moved for a decision.
* Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and Board action may be taken in the plenary session.
12:00 Noon ISBE Plenary Session
(or immediately following Finance and Audit Committee)
Public Conference Call Number: 1-866-297-6391 (listen only); Confirmation # 1 6 7 2 6 4 4 8
Chairman Ruiz will call the plenary business meeting to order for the sole purpose of going into closed session over lunch on Wednesday, January 17, 2007. The plenary session will reconvene for all other action on Thursday, January 18, 2007, at 9:30 a.m.
Agenda - Plenary Business Meeting
A. Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
1. Consideration of and Possible Actions on Any Requests for Participation in Meeting by Other Means
B. Motion for Closed Session
1 p.m. Education Policy Planning Committee of the Whole
9-040 James R. Thompson Center
Public Conference Call Access Number: 1-866-297-6391 (listen only) Confirmation # 1 6 7 2 6 4 4 8
1. Roll Call
2. Board Member Participation by Other Means
3 Public Participation
4. Minutes of the December Education Policy Planning Committee Meeting
5. Growth Model Task Force Report (Becky McCabe)
6. Discussion regarding the RFSP for ELL-ISAT and ELL-PSAE to replace current IMAGE assessment (Becky McCabe)
*7. Pre-K for All Grant Agreements over $1 million
a. Schaumburg School District #54
b. Illinois Action for Children
8. High School Emerging Issue Discussion
9. Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
10. Adjourn
* Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.
3:15 p.m. Governmental Relations Committee
(This meeting will begin immediately following the previous session.)
9-040 James R. Thompson Center
Public Conference Call Access Number: 1-866-297-6391 (listen only) Confirmation # 1 6 7 2 6 4 4 8
1. Roll Call
2. Board Member Participation by Other Means
3. Public Participation
4. Minutes of the December Governmental Relations Committee Meeting
5. Legislative Update (Nicole Wills, Josh Jacobs)
*6. Updated Legislative Proposals (Nicole Wills, Josh Jacobs)
7. Debriefing of “Conversation with Invited Stakeholders”
8. Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
9. Adjourn
* Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.
4:15 p.m. Ad Hoc Rules Committee of the Whole
(This meeting will begin immediately following the previous session.)
9-040 James R. Thompson Center
Public Conference Call Access Number: 1-866-297-6391 (listen only) Confirmation # 1 6 7 2 6 4 4 8
2. Board Member Participation by Other Means
3. Public Participation
4. Minutes of the November Ad Hoc Rules Committee Meeting
*5 Rules for Adoption
a. Part 60 (The “Grow Your Own” Teacher Education Initiative) (Linda Jamali)
b. Part 70 (Early Childhood Teacher Assistance Grants) (Kay Henderson)
6. Discussion Item
a. Nutrition Programs (Chris Schmitt and Roxanne Ramage)
7 Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
8. Adjourn
* Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.
8:45 a.m. Board Operations Committee of the Whole
9-040 James R. Thompson Center
Public Conference Call Access Number: 1-866-297-6391 (listen only) Confirmation # 1 6 7 2 6 4 5 2
1. Roll Call
2. Board Member Participation by Other Means
3 Public Participation
4. Discussion Items
a. Minutes of the November Board Operations Committee Meeting
*b. Review New Nominations for Resolutions of Recognition
1) Illinois School Health Centers
2) Other Nominations
*c. 2007 Calendar of Meetings (Jean Ladage)
d. 2007-‘09 State Board Committee Structure
e. Review Board Agenda Preparation Plan
f. Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
5. Decision Items
6. Adjourn
NOTE: At the conclusion of any discussion item in which the committee is ready to make a decision, a discussion item may be immediately moved for a decision.
* Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.
9:30 a.m. ISBE Plenary Session
9-040 James R. Thompson Center
Public Conference Call Number: 1-866-297-6391 (listen only); Confirmation #: 1 6 7 2 6 4 5 2
NOTE: Thursday’s portion of the plenary session will also be audio broadcast via the Internet.
Reconvene Plenary Business Meeting
C. Reconvene Plenary Business Meeting
D. Resolutions and Recognition
1. Illinois School Health Centers
2. Other Resolutions of Recognition
E. Public Participation
F. Superintendent’s Report
* Consent Agenda
All action consideration items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine and will be enacted in one motion and vote. Any board member who wishes separate discussion on any item listed on the consent agenda may remove that item from the consent agenda, in which event, the item will be considered in its normal sequence.
Action Considerations
a. December 19, 2006
*2 Rules for Adoption
a. Part 60 (The “Grow Your Own” Teacher Education Initiative)
b. Part 70 (Early Childhood Teacher Assistance Grants)
*3. 2007 State Board Calendar of Meetings
*4. State Board of Education Bylaws Revision
*5. Cumulative Waiver Report
*6. Approval of Updated Legislative Proposals
*7. Approval of Illinois Alternate Assessment – Descriptors and Alignment
*8. Approval of Illinois Standards Achievement Test – Descriptors
*9 Approval of Language Arts Assessment for Grade 11 – Reading Goal 2
*10. State Board of Education Budget
a. Ratification of FY07 State Board of Education Budget
b. Adoption of FY08 State Board of Education Budget
11. Approval of Pre-K for All Grant Agreements over $1 million
a. Schaumburg School District #54
b. Illinois Action for Children
12. Amendment of Interim Contract
13. Release of closed session minutes (as needed)
G. Announcements and Reports
1. IBHE Liaison Report (Dr. Proshanta Nandi)
2. Superintendent’s Announcements
3. Chairman’s Report
a. Nominating Committee Appointments
4. Committee Reports
5. Member Reports
H. Information Items
1. Rulemaking Monthly Status Report
2. SBE Fiscal and Administrative Monthly Reports
I. Adjourn
NOTE: Chairman Ruiz may call for reconvening of closed session over lunch on Thursday.
you can attend these public meetings
few do
Posted by: | January 17, 2007 at 09:43 AM